Since the mid 90ies I followed exhibitions and congresses worldwide, and from 1997 I'm SMPTE active member,
In spring 2005 as consultant I collaborated to the move of production and transmission plant of Orbit WLL from Italy to Bahrain.
In early 90ies with Alcatel Bell I partecipated to the realization of a prototypal optical disc based complete multimedia electronic documentation system for telephone switching systems (Multimedia2Go, an Impact European project).
Between 1997 and 1999 on behalf of Stream I care a project of the fourth E.U. framework program finalized to the usage of video and virtual reality segments in the e-commerce applications at the time still rolling out (Teleshoppe, AC99).
I Held some lessons in masters focussed on broadcast video and media management at Rome La Sapienza University (Communications dpt, 2005, 2006, Mathematics dpt 2008) and at ELIS (1999, 2000, 2006).
realtime and offline video encoding systems, broadcast/content encoder, targetting internet narrow/broadband diffusion. Subjective and Objective quality evaluation.